The Transportation Department requires all bus riders to read and sign the Bus Rules that are attached to this website (see link below). An additional note to all parents-the rule still remains in effect that “No student may ride any bus other than the one assigned to your child.” This became a policy when Williamston Community Schools went to single bus runs which put buses at capacity.
The following are your bus drivers for the 2024-2025 school year:
Nigel O'Connor
Robert Keith
Jennifer Loe
Lori Sierzega
Danielle Orr
Todd Walter
Rosemary Southwell
Paul Gorsline
Kim Wright
Nora Stanton
Craig Moore
Pam VanSickler
Kerry Gregg
Jessica Legowsky
*28. Robin Monette - WTC
Any questions or concerns regarding your child’s bus run can be directed to the Transportation Department at (517) 655-1011 or by email
Pam VanSickler, Supervisor of Transportation Brandon Weingartz, Director of Facilities