Transportation Updates and Information

  • The Transportation Department requires all bus riders to read and sign the Bus Rules that are attached to this website (see link below). An additional note to all parents-the rule still remains in effect that “No student may ride any bus other than the one assigned to your child.” This became a policy when Williamston Community Schools went to single bus runs which put buses at capacity. 

    The following are your bus drivers for the 2024-2025 school year: 

    1. Nigel O'Connor
    2. Robert Keith
    3. Jennifer Loe
    4. Lori Sierzega
    5. Danielle Orr
    6. Todd Walter
    7. Rosemary Southwell
    8. Paul Gorsline
    9. Kim Wright
    10. Nora Stanton
    11. Craig Moore
    12. Pam VanSickler
    13. Kerry Gregg
    14. Jessica Legowsky

    *28. Robin Monette - WTC

    Any questions or concerns regarding your child’s bus run can be directed to the Transportation Department at (517) 655-1011 or by email 

    Pam VanSickler, Supervisor of Transportation 
    Brandon Weingartz, Director of Facilities 

    Bus Rules & Parent Signature Page

Supervisor of Transportation



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Pam VanSickler